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Slow Ways Launch Film

Slow Ways is an incredible initiative by National Geographic explorer Dan Raven-Ellison - to create a network of walking routes that connect all the towns, cities and villages of Great Britain.

These routes are all submitted and trialled by volunteers - a collaborative first draft of an incredible resource. With this done, the Slow Ways team then called for walkers to test these 110,000km of walking routes - and that's where I stepped in! Working to create and animate all the visuals, and with Jo Riley working on some sumptuous sound, we created this animation as a call to action. 

Slow Ways can be used by anyone for any reason - so I wanted to ensure I highlighted the diversity of walkers, locations and purposes from wooded routes to inner city parks and coastal hillsides. As all of England is connected through this mass network of paths, I started the film from a close-up of a continuous walk, cutting to different people and pulling wider and wider until the film reveals the whole of the UK. 

The pacing of the film is short, to the point, and full of life - these little details making it re-watchable, and not dragging out and losing the attention of those on social media.

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